How I Organize My Life! (Pt. 1) – New Year, New You

Hey guys! I’ve decided as a way to close up January, I’ll show you how I stay organized! This post will cover the following areas:  Life Binder, Calendar, School Planner

In my next post I’ll give you my cleaning tips and tips on keeping little things organized! In these next two posts I’ll also leave plenty of links to other helpful sources.

So let’s get into it!


Life Binder

My “life binder” is modeled after the one made by perpetualxbeauty on Youtube. Here is the tutorial I used to do it.


This is my “Life Binder”



I love the turquoise (my favorite color). This binder I think is made by Avery. I always keep a few binder clips on top.



On the inside you’ll see the tab system I created. I just used Post It tabs and attached them to my different divider pages (I printed them off of Jill’s video). I’m going to go through each section. Each one has a stack of loose leaf filler paper in the back for random notes.


This Week: Under this column I keep a calendar page of the current month that I use to overview my week.



I usually like to use colorful pens, highlighters, tape, and stickers to spruce it up. The more fun and colorful it is, the more organized and inspiring it is!




School: Under school I write down any contacts and my school schedule. Just about anything that is about school goes in there.

Calendar: Under calendar, is, well, a calendar. I keep a page for future months to keep track of important dates. Once a new month begins, I move it’s page from “calendar” to “this week”.

Work: Under “work” I keep all things blog related. Things like checklists and outlines go under “work”




To Do: Here I keep personal goals and to do lists. Things like “clean desk” or “take shower” would be listed as a to do

Recipes: Here I keep personal recipes in case I forget and ingredient or process in a favorite

Gifts: This is where I write down what I’m getting people for birthday/Christmas/ext.


School Planner:

My school planner is what I use to record my homework assignments and special dates. This is how I set it up





On my calendar I use the same general premise of my life binder. My calendar came from the dollar section at Target.




So that’s how I organize! (pt 1) I hope you guys enjoyed this post!  Make sure to follow me @WithalGlitzBlog on Twitter,WithalGlitzBlog on Pinterest, and WithalGlitzBlog on Instagram! I can’t wait to show you pt 2! XOXO Love, Bailey ❤


More about Planners! (Elle Fowler, allthatglitters21) (blog post)

Even more planners!!!!